ADHD and dysphoria both suck on their own but a hoADHD and dysphoria both suck on their own but a holy cow on days when they're both hitting hard at the same time really really sucks!

I'm currently going through the steps of finding the right dose of Vyvanse to treat my ADHD, so far it's not going too well. One of the side effects of Vyvanse ithough s lack of appetite so I've been taking advantage of it to lose the weight that I put on during the pandemic.

Queue tonight, normally when I wake up after doing bathroom things I weigh myself before I eat and all that stuff and holy cow I'm down a couple more pounds heck yeah! I'm down 10 lb since I started Vyvanse which is awesome!

And of course because I'm happy something good happened dysphoria just had to remind me that it hasn't gone away 🤬

Getting ready for work was a solder reminder I really need to get laser hair removal. Dysphoria makes the most microscopic of stubble feel like you have a full beard, I swear I'm exfoliating three layers of skin every day trying to get rid of it especially on days like today.

And of course because I'm already running behind dysphoria wasn't quite done with me, trying to find a t-shirt to wear to work that didn't make me look fat or have no boobs just not feel right the felt like it took hours.

I almost forgot about the ADHD ironic LOL, I've been trying to get done work early so that I can start early, I had plans to try to get to work for 12:30 which of course means I sat on the computer doom scrolling yelling at myself to get in the shower until 1:00 a.m. and didn't end up getting to work until almost 2:00 🙃

So something as simple as losing 2 pounds made me late for work, hate everything about how I look, and just want to crawl in bed and cry. I can't wait until I can get my ADHD medication dosage sorted out so at least I'll only have to deal with one asshole part of my brain at a time 😕ly cow on days when they're both hitting hard at the same time really really sucks!

I'm currently going through the steps of finding the right dose of Vyvanse to treat my ADHD, so far it's not going too well. One of the side effects of Vyvanse ithough s lack of appetite so I've been taking advantage of it to lose the weight that I put on during the pandemic.

Queue tonight, normally when I wake up after doing bathroom things I weigh myself before I eat and all that stuff and holy cow I'm down a couple more pounds heck yeah! I'm down 10 lb since I started Vyvanse which is awesome!

And of course because I'm happy something good happened dysphoria just had to remind me that it hasn't gone away 🤬

Getting ready for work was a solder reminder I really need to get laser hair removal. Dysphoria makes the most microscopic of stubble feel like you have a full beard, I swear I'm exfoliating three layers of skin every day trying to get rid of it especially on days like today.

And of course because I'm already running behind dysphoria wasn't quite done with me, trying to find a t-shirt to wear to work that didn't make me look fat or have no boobs just not feel right the felt like it took hours.

I almost forgot about the ADHD ironic LOL, I've been trying to get done work early so that I can start early, I had plans to try to get to work for 12:30 which of course means I sat on the computer doom scrolling yelling at myself to get in the shower until 1:00 a.m. and didn't end up getting to work until almost 2:00 🙃

So something as simple as losing 2 pounds made me late for work, hate everything about how I look, and just want to crawl in bed and cry. I can't wait until I can get my ADHD medication dosage sorted out so at least I'll only have to deal with one asshole part of my brain at a time 😕